Thursday, October 29, 2009

getting into the swing of things.

Hello. I meant to update after my first modeling class but got too busy. School has been kicking my booty and I know it's not going to end. The class went really well I thought. It was a little awkward at first because I had to walk in front of everyone, but it'll get easier as we go along. This is mean, but it actually makes me feel better to walk in front of everyone if I see someone else not doing so well. It's sad, but that boosts my confidence. So mean.

I learned how to stand up straight like a model; standing up straight while rolling my hips in and my shoulders back and down. It's gonna take a little time to get used to, but i'll get it. It's already feeling pretty good because I've been trying to practice while just walking around or standing. I'm so excited to keep going.

So I'm starting to think that I might want to do my internship at GUESS, but that's not a for sure decision because I have about a year and a half to think about it. But, it's paid, and it's in LA which would be fabulous. It doesn't help with living expenses but if it's paid then that'll be alright. We'll see what happens.

I really don't know what else really to put, because my mind is kinda blah right now. Homework and school has been consuming all of my energy and my brain is fried. Luckily i've got a 3 day weekend. That'll be fabulous. Especially since Halloween is Saturday and I get to wear my costuuuume! I better look good. The wig isn't too great but you can't really be Silk Spectre without it unless you already have long brunette hair, which I don't.

Hope everyone has a Happy Halloween!

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